Unit Conversion Factors

To Convert Into Multiply By
atmospheres Ton/sq inch 0.007348
atmospheres cms of mercury 76
atmospheres ft. of water (at 4C) 33.9
atmospheres in. of mercury (at 0C) 29.92
atmospheres kgs/sq cm 1.0333
atmospheres kgs/sq meter 10,332.00
atmospheres pounds/sq in. 14.7
atmospheres tons/sq ft 1,058
bars atmospheres 0.9869
bars dynes/sq cm 10 E6
bars kgs/sq meter 1.020 x 10 E4
bars pounds/sq ft 2,089.00
bars pounds/sq in. 14.5
Btu Liter-Atmosphere 10.409
Btu ergs 1.0550 x 10 E10
Btu foot-lbs 778.3
Btu gram-calories 252
Btu horsepower-hrs 3.931 x 10 E-4
Btu joules 1,054.80
Btu kilogram-calories 0.252
Btu kilogram-meters 107.5
Btu kilowatt-hrs 2.928 x 10 E-4
Btu/hr foot-pounds/sec 0.2162
Btu/hr gram-cal/sec 0.07
Btu/hr horsepower 3.929 x 10 E-4
Btu/hr watts 0.2931
Btu/min foot-pounds/sec 12.96
Btu/min horsepower 0.02356
Btu/min kilowatts 0.01757
Btu/min watts 17.57
Btu/sq ft/min watts/sq in. 0.1221
bushels liters 35.24
Calories, gram(mean) B.T.U. (mean) 3.9685 x 10 E-4
centimeters feet 3.281 x 10 E-2
centimeters inches 0.3937
centimeters kilometers 10 E-5
centimeters meters 0.01
centimeters miles 6.214 x 10 E-6
centimeters millimeters 10
centimeters mills 393.7
centimeters yards 1.094 x 10 E-2
centimeters-dynes cm-grams 1.020 x 10 E-3
centimeters-dynes meter-kgs 1.020 x 10 E-8
centimeters-dynes pound-feet 7.376 x 10 E-8
centimeters-grams cm-dynes 980.7
centimeters-grams meter-kgs 10 E-5
centimeters-grams pound-feet 7.233 x 10 E-5
cubic centimeters cu feet 3.531 x 10 E-4
cubic centimeters cu inches 0.06102
cubic centimeters cu meters 10 E-6
cubic centimeters cu yards 1.308 x 10 E-6
cubic centimeters gallons (U.S. liq.) 2.642 x 10 E-4
cubic centimeters liters 0.001
cubic centimeters pints (U.S. liq.) 2.113 x 10 E-3
cubic centimeters quarts (U.S. liq.) 1.057 x 10 E-3
cubic feet bushels (dry) 0.8036
cubic feet cu cms 28,320.00
cubic feet cu inches 1,728.00
cubic feet cu meters 0.02832
cubic feet cu yards 0.03704
cubic feet gallons (U.S. liq.) 7.48052
cubic feet liters 28.32
cubic feet pints (U.S. liq.) 59.84
cubic feet quarts (U.S. liq.) 29.92
cubic feet/min cu cms/sec 472
cubic feet/min gallons/sec 0.1247
cubic feet/min liters/sec 0.472
cubic feet/min pounds of water/min 62.43
cubic feet/sec million gals/day 0.646317
cubic feet/sec gallons/min 448.831
cubic inches cu cms 16.39
cubic inches cu feet 5.787 x 10 E-4
cubic inches cu meters 1.639 x 10 E-5
cubic inches cu yards 2.143 x 10 E-5
cubic inches gallons (U.S. liq.) 4.329 x 10 E-3
cubic inches liters 0.01639
cubic inches mil-feet 1.061 x 10 E5
cubic inches pints (U.S. liq.) 0.03463
cubic inches quarts (U.S. liq.) 0.01732
cubic inches bushels (dry) 28.38
cubic meters cu cms 10 E6
cubic meters cu feet 35.31
cubic meters cu inches 61,023.00
cubic meters cu yards 1.308
cubic meters gallons (U.S. liq.) 264.2
cubic meters liters 1,000.00
cubic meters pints (U.S. liq.) 2,113.00
cubic meters quarts (U.S. liq.) 1,057.00
cubic yards cu cms 7.646 x 10 E5
cubic yards cu feet 27
cubic yards cu inches 46,656.00
cubic yards cu meters 0.7646
cubic yards gallons (U.S. liq.) 202
cubic yards liters 764.6
cubic yards pints (U.S. liq.) 1,615.90
cubic yards quarts (U.S. liq.) 807.9
cubic yards/min cubic ft/sec 0.45
cubic yards/min gallons/sec 3.367
cubic yards/min liters/sec 12.74
days seconds 86,400.00
drams grams 1.7718
drams grains 27.3437
drams ounces 0.0625
Dyne/sq cm Atmospheres 9.869 x 10-7
Dyne/sq cm Inch of Mercury at 0C 00C2.953 x 10 E-5
Dyne/sq cm Inch of Water at 4C 4.015 x 10 E-4
dynes grams 1.020 x 10 E-3
dynes joules/cm 10 E-7
dynes joules/meter (newtons) 10 E-5
dynes kilograms 1.020 x 10 E-6
dynes poundals 7.233 x 10 E-5
dynes pounds 2.248 x 10 E-6
ergs Btu 9.480 x 10 E-11
ergs dyne-centimeters 1
ergs foot-pounds 7.367 x 10 E-8
ergs gram-calories 0.2389 x 10 E-7
ergs gram-cms 1.020 x 10 E-3
ergs horsepower-hrs 3.7250 x 10 E-14
ergs joules 10 E-7
ergs kg-calories 2.389 x 10 E-11
ergs kg-meters 1.020 x 10 E-8
ergs kilowatt-hrs 0.2778 x 10 E-13
ergs watt-hours 0.2778 x 10 E-10
feet centimeters 30.48
feet kilometers 3.048 x 10 E-4
feet meters 0.3048
feet miles (naut.) 1.645 x 10 E-4
feet miles (stat.) 1.984 x 10 E-4
feet millimeters 304.8
feet mils 1.2 x 10 E4
feet of water atmospheres 0.0295
feet of water in. of mercury 0.8826
feet of water kgs/sq cm 0.03048
feet of water kgs/sq meter 304.8
feet of water pounds/sq ft 62.43
feet of water pounds/sq in. 0.4335
feet/sec cms/sec 30.48
feet/sec kms/hr 1.097
feet/sec knots 0.5921
feet/sec meters/min 18.29
feet/sec miles/hr 0.6818
feet/sec miles/min 0.01136
foot-pounds Btu 1.286 x 10 E-3
foot-pounds ergs 1.356 x 10 E7
foot-pounds gram-calories 0.3238
foot-pounds hp-hrs 5.050 x 10 E-7
foot-pounds joules 1.356
foot-pounds kg-calories 3.24 x 10 E-4
foot-pounds kg-meters 0.1383
foot-pounds kilowatt-hrs 3.766 x 10 E-7
gallons cu yards 4.951 x 10 E-3
gallons liters 3.785
gallons (liq. Br. Imp.) gallons (U.S. liq.) 1.20095
gallons (U.S.) gallons (Imp.) 0.83267
gallons of water pounds of water 8.3453
gallons/min cu ft/sec 2.228 x 10 E-3
gallons/min liters/sec 0.06308
gallons/min cu ft/hr 8.0208
grams dynes 980.7
grams grains 15.43
grams joules/cm 9.807 x 10 E-5
grams joules/m (newtons) 9.807 x 10 E-3
grams kilograms 0.001
grams milligrams 1,000.00
grams ounces (avdp) 0.03527
grams ounces (troy) 0.03215
grams poundals 0.07093
grams pounds 2.205 x 10 E-3
grams/cu cm pounds/cu ft 62.43
grams/cu cm pounds/cu in. 0.03613
grams/cu cm pounds/mil-foot 3.405 x 10 E-7
grams/liter grains/gal 58.417
grams/liter pounds/1,000 gal 8.345
grams/liter pounds/cu ft 0.062427
grams/liter parts/million 1,000.00
gram-calories Btu 3.9683 x 10 E-3
gram-calories ergs 4.1868 x 10 E7
gram-calories foot-pounds 3.088
gram-calories horsepower-hrs 1.5596 x 10 E-6
gram-calories kilowatt-hrs 1.1630 x 10 E-6
gram-calories watt-hrs 1.1630 x 10 E-3
horsepower foot-lbs/min 33,000.00
horsepower foot-lbs/sec 550
horsepower kg-calories/min 10 / 68
horsepower kilowatts 0.7457
horsepower watts 745.7
horsepower (boiler) Btu/hr 33.479
horsepower (boiler) kilowatts 9.803
inches centimeters 2.54
inches meters 2.540 x 10 E-2
inches miles 1.578 x 10 E-5
inches millimeters 25.4
inches or mercury atmospheres 0.03342
inches of mercury feet of water 1.133
inches of mercury kgs/sq cm 0.03453
inches of mercury kgs/sq meter 345.3
inches of mercury pounds/sq ft. 70.73
inches of mercury pounds/sq in. 0.4912
inches of water (at 4C) atmospheres 2.458 x 10 E-3
inches of water (at 4C) inches of mercury 0.07355
inches of water (at 4C) kgs/sq cm 2.540 x 10 E-3
inches of water (at 4C) ounces/sq in. 0.5781
inches of water (at 4C) pounds/sq ft 5.204
inches of water (at 4C) pounds/sq in. 0.03613
joules Btu 9.480 x 10 E-4
joules ergs 10 E7
joules foot-pounds 0.7376
joules kg-calories 2.389 x 10 E-4
joules kg-meters 0.102
joules watt-hrs 2.778 x 10 E-4
kilograms grams 1,000.00
kilograms joules/cm 0.09807
kilograms joules/meter (newtons) 9.807
kilograms poundals 70.93
kilograms pounds 2.205
kilograms tons (long) 9.842 x 10 E-4
kilograms tons (short) 1.102 x 10 E-3
kilograms/sq cm Dynes 980,665.00
kilograms/sq cm atmospheres 0.9678
kilograms/sq cm feet of water 32.81
kilograms/sq cm inches of mercury 28.96
kilograms/sq cm pounds/sq ft 2,048.00
kilograms/sq cm pounds/sq in 14.22
kilograms/sq meter atmospheres 9.678 x 10 E-5
kilograms/sq meter bars 98.07 x 10 E-6
kilograms/sq meter feet of water 3.281 x 10 E-3
kilograms/sq meter inches of mercury 2.896 x 10 E-3
kilograms/sq meter pounds/sq ft 0.2048
kilograms/sq in. pounds/sq in. 1.422 x 10 E-3
kilogram-calories Btu 3.968
kilogram-calories foot-pounds 3,088.00
kilogram-calories hp-hrs 1,560 x 10 E-3
kilogram-calories joules 4,186.00
kilogram-calories kg-meters 426.9
kilogram-calories kilojoules 4.186
kilogram-calories kilowatt-hrs 1.163 x 10 E-3
kilogram meters Btu 9.294 x 10 E-3
kilogram meters ergs 9.804 x 10 E7
kilogram meters foot-pounds 7.233
kilogram meters joules 9.804
kilogram meters kg-calories 2.342 x 10 E-3
kilogram meters kilowatt-hrs 2.723 x 10 E-6
kilometers feet 3,281.00
kilometers inches 3.937 x 10 E4
kilometers miles 0.6214
kilometers/hr cms/sec 27.78
kilometers/hr feet/min 54.68
kilometers/hr feet/sec 0.9113
kilometers/hr knots 0.5396
kilometers/hr meters/min 16.67
kilometers/hr miles/hr 0.6214
kilowatts Btu/min 56.92
kilowatts foot-lbs/min 4.426 x 10 E4
kilowatts foot-lbs/sec 737.6
kilowatts horsepower 1.341
kilowatts kg-calories/min 14.34
kilowatts watts 1,000.00
kilowatt-hrs Btu 3,413.00
kilowatt-hrs ergs 3.600 x 10 E13
kilowatt-hrs foot-lbs 2.655 x 10 E6
kilowatt-hrs gram-calories 859,850.00
kilowatt-hrs horsepower-hrs 1.341
kilowatt-hrs joules 3.6 x 10 E6
kilowatt-hrs kg-calories 859.85
kilowatt-hrs kg-meters 3.671 x 10 E6
kilowatt-hrs pounds of water 3.53
evaporated from & at 212F
kilowatt-hrs pounds of water 22.75
raised from 62 to 212F
liters bushels (U.S. dry) 0.02838
liters cu cm 1,000.00
liters cu feet 0.03531
liters cu inches 61.02
liters cu meters 0.001
liters cu yards 1.308 x 10 E-3
liters gallons (U.S. liq.) 0.2642
liters pints (U.S. liq.) 2.113
liters quarts (U.S. liq.) 1.057
liters/min cu ft/sec 5.886 x 10 E-4
liters/min gals/sec 4.403 x 10 E-3
meters centimeters 100
meters feet 3.281
meters inches 39.37
meters kilometers 0.001
meters miles (naut.) 5.396 x 10 E-4
meters miles (stat.) 6.214 x 10 E-4
meters millimeters 1,000.00
meters yards 1.094
meters varas 1.179
meters/min cms/sec 1.667
meters/min feet/min 3.281
meters/min feet/sec 0.05468
meters/min kms/hr 0.06
meters/min knots 0.03238
meters/min miles/hr 0.03728
meters/sec feet/min 196.8
meters/sec feet/sec 3.281
meters/sec kilometers/hr 3.6
meters/sec kilometers/min 0.06
meters/sec miles/hr 2.237
meters/sec miles/min 0.03728
miles (statute) centimeters 1.609 x 10 E5
miles (statute) feet 5,280.00
miles (statute) inches 6.336 x 10 E4
miles (statute) kilometers 1.609
miles (statute) meters 1,609.00
miles (statute) miles (naut.) 0.868357
miles (statute) yards 1,760.00
miles/hr cms/sec 44.7
miles/hr feet/min 88
miles/hr feet/sec 1.467
miles/hr kms/hr 1.609
miles/hr kms/min 0.02682
miles/hr knots 0.8684
miles/hr meters/min 26.82
miles/hr miles/min 0.1667
mil-feet cu inches 9.425 x 10 E-6
milliliters liters 0.001
millimeters centimeters 0.1
millimeters feet 3.281 x 10 E-3
millimeters inches 0.03937
millimeters kilometers 10 E-6
millimeters meters 0.001
millimeters miles 6.214 x 10 E-7
millimeters mils 39.37
millimeters yards 1.094 x 10 E-3
million gals/day cu ft/sec 1.54723
ounces drams 16
ounces grains 437.5
ounces grams 28.349527
ounces pounds 0.0625
ounces ounces(troy) 0.9115
ounces tons (long) 2.790 x 10 E-5
ounces tons (metric) 2.835 x 10 E-5
ounces (fluid) cu inches 1.805
ounces (fluid) liters 0.02957
ounces (troy) grains 480
ounces (troy) grams 31.103481
ounces (troy) ounces (avdp.) 1.09714
ounces (troy) pennyweights (troy) 20
ounces (troy) pounds (troy) 0.08333
ounces/sq. inch Dynes/sq cm 0.4309
ounces/sq in. pounds/sq in. 0.0625
parts/million grains/U.S. gal 0.0584
parts/million grains/Imp. gal 0.07016
parts/million pounds/million gal 8.345
pounds drams 256
pounds dynes 44.4823 x 10 E4
pounds grains 7,000.00
pounds grams 453.5924
pounds joules/cm 0.04448
pounds joules/meter (newtons) 4.448
pounds kilograms 0.4536
pounds ounces 16
pounds ounces (troy) 14.5833
pounds poundals 32.17
pounds pounds(troy) 1.21528
pounds tons (short) 0.0005
pounds (troy) grains 5,760.00
pounds (troy) grams 373.24177
pounds (troy) ounces (avdp.) 13.1657
pounds (troy) ounces (troy) 12
pound-feet cm-dynes 1.356 x 10 E-4
pound-feet cm-grams 13,825.00
pound-feet meter-kgs 0.1383
pounds/cu ft grams/cu cm 0.01602
pounds/cuff kgs/cu meter 16.02
pounds/cu ft pounds/cu in. 5.787 x 10 E-4
pounds/cu ft pounds/mil-foot 4.456 x 10 E-9
pounds/cu in. kgs/cu cm 27.68
pounds/cu in. kgs/cu meter 2.768 x 10 E4
pounds/cu in. pounds/cu ft 1,728.00
pounds/cu in. pounds/mil-foot 9.425 x 10 E-6
pounds/sq ft atmospheres 4.725 x 10 E-4
pounds/sq ft feet of water 0.01602
pounds/sq ft inches of mercury 0.01414
pounds/sq ft kgs/sq meter 4.882
pounds/sq ft pounds/sq in. 6.944 x 10 E-3
pounds/sq in. atmospheres 0.06804
pounds/sq in. feet of water 2.307
pounds/sq in. inches of mercury 2.036
pounds/sq in. kgs/sq meter 703.1
pounds/sq in. pounds/sq ft 144
quarts (liq.) cu inches 57.75
quarts (liq.) cu meters 9.464 x 10 E-4
quarts (liq.) cu yards 1.238 x 10 E-3
quarts (liq.) liters 0.9463
square centimeters circular mils 1.973 x 10 E5
square centimeters sq feet 1.076 x 10 E-3
square centimeters sq inches 0.155
square centimeters sq meters 0.0001
square centimeters sq miles 3.861 x 10.11
square centimeters sq millimeters 100
square centimeters sq yards 1.196 x 10 E-4
square feet acres 2.296 x 10 E-5
square feet circular mils 1.833 x 10 E8
square feet sq cms 929
square feet sq inches 144
square feet sq meters 0.0929
square feet sq miles 3.587 x 10 E-8
square feet sq millimeters 9.290 x 10 E4
square feet sq yards 0.1111
square inches circular mils 1.273 x 10 E6
square inches sq cms 6.452
square inches sq feet 6.944 x 10 E-3
square inches sq millimeters 645.2
square inches sq mils 10 E6
square inches sq yards 7.716 x 10 E-4
square meters acres 2.471 x 10 E-4
square meters sq cms 10 E4
square meters sq feet 10.76
square meters sq inches 1,550.00
square meters sq miles 3.861 x 10 E-7
square meters sq millimeters 10 E6
square meters sq yards 1.196
temperature (C) +273 absolute temperature (C) 1
temperature (C) +17.78 temperature (F) 1.8
temperature (F) +460 absolute temperature (F) 1
temperature (F) -32 temperature (C) 5 / 9
tons of water/24 hrs gallons/min 0.16643
tons of water/24 hrs cu ft/hr 1.3349
watts Btu/hr 3.413
watts Btu/min 0.05688
watts ergs/sec 10 E7
watts foot-pounds/min 44.27
watts foot-pounds/sec 0.7378
watts horsepower 1.341 x 10 E-3
watts horsepower (metric) 1.360 x 10 E-3
watts kg-calories/min 0.01433
watts kilowatts 0.001
watt-hours Btu 3.413
watt-hours ergs 3.60 x 10 E10
watt-hours foot-pounds 2,656.00
watt-hours gram-calories 859.85
watt-hours horsepower-hrs 1.341 x 10 E-3
watt-hours kilogram-calories 0.8598
watt-hours kilogram-meters 367.2
watt-hours kilowatt-hrs 0.001