nit (Symbol) | Description | Unit Abrev. |
Ampere (I) | The constant current which when flowing through two infinitely long parallel wires 1 m apart would produce in vacua a force of 2 x 10 -7 N/m on each conductor | A |
Coulomb (Q) | The quantity of electricity passing a given point when a current of 1 ampere flows for 1 second | C |
Volt (E,V) | The electromotive force or potential difference across a resistor which produces heat at the rate of 1 newton.m (joule)/second, =1 watt, when a constant current of 1 Ampere is flowing. | V |
Ohm (R) | Is the electrical resistance of a conductor in which a constant current of 1 ampere flows under a constant voltage of 1 volt. (R = V/I) | Ω |
Henry (L) | The inductance in which 1 volt is produced by a current changing at the rate of one ampere per second | H |
Farad (C) | The capacitance in which 1 coulomb is stored for a potential difference of 1 volt | F |
Siemens (ρ) | The unit of electrical conductance ρ = I / V | S |
Joule (W) | The unit of work energy, and quantity of heat. The work done when the point of application of a force of 1 newton is displaced through a distance of 1 m. in the direction of the force | J |
Watt (P) | The unit of power . One watt = The work of one joule being completed per second . (P = W/t) | W |
Weber (Φ) | The unit of magnetic flux. The magnetic flux linking a circuit of one turn produces in it an electromotive force of 1 volt as it is reduced to zero at a uniform rate in 1 second | Wb |
Tesla (B) | The unit of magnetic flux density. The tesla is equal to 1 weber per square metre of circuit area | T |
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