Constant | Symbol | Value in SI units |
acceleration of free fall | g | 9.806 65 m s-2 |
Avogadro constant | L, LA. | 6.0221367(36) � 1026( kg-mole)-1 |
Boltzmann constant | k=R/NA | 1.380658(12) � 10-23 J K-1 |
Permittivity Of Free Space | e0 | 8.854187 817 � 10-12 F m-1 |
electronic charge | e | 1.602 177 33 (49) � 10-19 C |
electronic rest mass | me | 9.1093897(54) � 10-31 kg |
Faraday constant | F | 9.648 5309(29) � 107 C( kg-mole)-1 |
gas constant | R. | 8.314 510(70) � 103 J K-1 ( kg-mole)-1 |
gravitational constant | G | 6.672 59(85) � 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 |
Loschmidt’s Number | NL | 2.686 763(23) � 1025 m-3 |
magnetic constant | m0 | 4 x (pi)� 10-7 H m-1 |
neutron rest mass | mn | 1.674 9286(10) � 10-27 kg |
Planck constant | h | 6.626 0755(40) � 10-34 J s |
proton rest mass | mp | 1.672 6231(10) � 10-27 kg |
speed of light | c | 2.997 924 58 � 108 m s-1 |
Stefan-Boltzmann constant | s | 5.670 51(19)� 10-8 W m-2 K-4 |
Useful information, standards, tables and formula related to mechanical engineering and engineering materials.